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  1. # source:
  2. #       36th Edition Handbook of Chemistry and Physics (1955-56),
  3. #       Chemical Rubber Publishing Co.
  4. metre                   !0
  5. gramme                  !1
  6. second                  !2
  7. coulomb                 !3
  8. radian                  !4
  9. bit                     !5
  10. unitedstatesdollar      !6
  11. sheet                   !7
  12. candle                  !8
  13. kelvin                  !9
  14. copperpiece             !10
  16. # important constants
  17. approx                  1
  18. pi                      approx 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841972
  19. exp                     approx 2.7182818284590452353602874713526624977572
  20. gamma                   approx 0.5772156649015328606065120900824024310422
  21. phi                     approx 1.6180339887498948482045868343656381177203
  22. %                       1/100
  23. percent                 %
  25. # distance
  26. meter                   metre
  27. m                       meter
  28. cm                      centimeter
  29. mm                      millimeter
  30. km                      kilometer
  31. micron                  1e-4 cm
  32. inch                    100/3937 meter
  33. inches                  inch
  34. in                      inch
  35. foot                    12 inches
  36. feet                    foot
  37. ft                      foot
  38. yard                    3 feet
  39. yd                      yard
  40. rod                     5.5 yards
  41. pole                    rod
  42. perch                   rod
  43. mile                    320 rods
  44. mi                      mile
  45. mil                     .001 inch
  46. hand                    4 inches
  47. span                    9 inches
  48. fathom                  6 feet
  49. link                    1/25 rods
  50. chain                   4 rods
  51. surveyerschain          chain
  52. gunterschain            chain
  53. engineerschain          100 ft
  54. ramsdenschain           engineerschain
  55. nauticalmile            approx 1.1516 mi
  56. ligne                   .225583 cm
  57. pouce                   12 lignes
  58. pied                    12 pouces
  59. toise                   6 pieds
  60. parisline               ligne
  61. parisinch               pouce
  62. parisfoot               pied
  63. point                   1/72 inch
  64. line                    6 points
  65. pica                    12 points
  67. # area
  68. are                     1 dekameter+2
  69. centare                 centiare
  70. hectare                 hectoare
  71. rood                    40 rod+2
  72. acre                    4 roods
  74. # volume
  75. cc                      cm+3
  76. litre                   1000 cc                 # open to dispute
  77. liter                   litre
  78. l                       litre
  79. ml                      millilitre
  80. stere                   m+3
  81. boardfoot               1 ft+2 inch
  82. cord                    128 ft+3
  84. # US liquid measure
  85. minim                   .0616102 millilitres
  86. fluiddram               60 minims
  87. fluidounce              8 fluiddrams
  88. gill                    4 fluidounces
  89. cup                     2 gills
  90. tablespoon              1/16 cup
  91. teaspoon                1/3 tablespoon
  92. pint                    2 cups
  93. quart                   2 pints
  94. gallon                  4 quarts
  95. firkin                  9 gallons
  96. hogshead                63 gallons
  97. tun                     252 gallons
  98. floz                    fluidounce
  99. fldr                    fluiddram
  100. qt                      quart
  101. gal                     gallon
  102. tsp                     teaspoon
  103. tbsp                    tablespoon
  105. # US dry measure
  106. drypint                 .550599 litre
  107. dryquart                2 drypints
  108. peck                    4 dryquarts
  109. bushel                  4 pecks
  111. # British fluid and dry measure (are these really the same?)
  112. brgill                  1.4206 deciliter
  113. brpint                  4 brgill
  114. brcup                   2/5 brpint
  115. brfluidounce            1/8 brcup
  116. brtablespoon            1/16 brcup
  117. brteaspoon              1/3 brtablespoon
  118. brquart                 2 brpint
  119. pottle                  2 brquart
  120. brgallon                2 pottle
  121. brfirkin                9 brgallon
  122. brpeck                  2 brgallon
  123. brbushel                4 brpeck
  124. brquarter               8 brbushel
  125. brfloz                  brfluidounce
  126. brtbsp                  brtablespoon
  127. brtsp                   brteaspoon
  128. brqt                    brquart
  129. brgal                   brgallon
  131. # mass
  132. gram                    gramme
  133. mg                      milligram
  134. g                       gram
  135. kg                      kilogram
  136. grain                   .064798918 g
  138. # avoirdupois
  139. pound                   7000 grain
  140. ounce                   1/16 pound
  141. dram                    1/16 ounce
  142. hundredweight           100 pounds
  143. ton                     20 hundredweight
  144. stone                   14 pounds
  145. quarter                 2 stone
  146. longhundredweight       4 quarters
  147. longton                 20 longhundredweight
  148. gr                      grain
  149. dr                      dram
  150. oz                      ounce
  151. lb                      pound
  152. cwt                     hundredweight
  154. # troy
  155. pennyweight             24 grains
  156. troyounce               20 pennyweight
  157. troypound               12 troyounce
  158. oldcarat                3.168 grains            # replaced by the metric carat
  159. dwt                     pennyweight
  160. ozt                     troyounce
  161. lbt                     troypound
  163. # apothecaries'
  164. scruple                 20 grains
  165. apothecariesdram        3 scruples
  166. apothecariesounce       8 apothecariesdrams
  167. apothecariespound       12 apothecariesounces
  168. drap                    apothecariesdram
  169. ozap                    apothecariesounce
  170. lbap                    apothecariespound
  172. # time
  173. minute                  60 seconds
  174. hour                    60 minutes
  175. day                     24 hours
  176. year                    approx 365.2422 days
  177. leapyear                366 days
  178. lunarmonth              approx 42524.047 minutes
  179. siderialsecond          .997270 seconds
  180. sec                     second
  181. min                     minute
  182. hr                      hour
  183. yr                      year
  184. mo                      lunarmonth
  185. month                   lunarmonth
  187. # angles
  188. degree                  pi/180 radians
  189. arcminute               1/60 degrees
  190. arcsecond               1/60 arcminutes
  191. circumference           360 degrees
  192. grade                   1/400 circumference
  193. centesimalminute        1/100 grade
  194. centesimalsecond        1/100 centesimalminute
  195. deg                     degree
  196. turn                    2 pi radians
  198. # solid angle
  199. steradian               square radian
  200. sphere                  4 pi steradians
  201. entirespace             4 pi steradians
  202. sphericalrightangle     1/8 sphere
  203. squaredegree            3.0462e-4 steradian
  205. # electrical and magnetic
  206. electron                1.6021917e-19 coulomb
  207. e                       electron
  208. ampere                  coulomb/second
  209. amp                     ampere
  210. watt                    kg m+2/sec+3
  211. volt                    watt/ampere
  212. ohm                     volt/ampere
  213. megohm                  megaohm
  214. microhm                 microohm
  215. kilohm                  kiloohm
  216. mho                     1/ohm
  217. seimen                  mho
  218. farad                   coulomb/volt
  219. henry                   volt sec/ampere
  220. weber                   volt sec
  221. maxwell                 1e-8 weber
  222. gauss                   maxwell / cm+2
  223. gilbert                 .79577472 ampere turn
  224. oersted                 gilbert/cm
  226. # temperature
  227. rankine                 1.8 kelvin
  229. # pdp-11
  230. nibble                  4 bits
  231. nybble                  nibble
  232. byte                    2 nibbles
  233. word                    2 bytes
  234. block                   256 words
  235. sector                  block
  236. rptrack                 22 sectors
  237. rpcylinder              19 rptracks
  238. rpdisk                  411 rpcylinders         # rp04
  239. bigrpdisk               815 rpcylinders         # rp06
  240. k                       1024
  241. kilobyte                k bytes
  242. kiloword                k words
  243. megabyte                k kilobytes
  244. megaword                k kilowords
  246. # light
  247. lambert                 1/pi candle/sq cm
  248. footlambert             1/pi candle/sq ft
  249. bougiedecimale          approx .1 candle
  250. lumen                   candle steradian
  251. carcelunit              9.6 candle
  252. englishspermcandle      approx 1 candle
  253. footcandle              lumen/sq ft
  254. lux                     lumen/sq m
  255. phot                    1e4 lux
  256. hefnerunit              approx .90 candle
  257. pentanecandle           approx 1 candle
  258. stilb                   candle/sq cm
  260. # Foreign Exchange
  261. # from The Wall Street Journal, Friday, October 10, 1980, page 40.
  262. dollar                  unitedstatesdollar
  263. $                       dollar
  264. cent                    $.01
  265. buck                    dollar
  266. argentinepeso           $0.000052
  267. australiandollar        $1.1765
  268. austrianschilling       $0.0783
  269. belgianfranc            $0.03427
  270. braziliancruzeiro       $0.01808
  271. britishpound            $2.4030
  272. canadiandollar          $0.8588
  273. chineseyuan             $0.6767
  274. colombianpeso           $0.0216
  275. danishkrone             $0.1797
  276. ecuadoriansucre         $0.0375
  277. finnmarkka              $0.2742
  278. frenchfranc             $0.2393
  279. greekdrachma            $0.02331
  280. hongkongdollar          $0.1992
  281. indianrupee             $0.1286
  282. indonesianrupiah        $0.0016
  283. irishpound              $2.0875
  284. israelishekel           $0.1689
  285. italianlira             $0.001163
  286. japaneseyen             $0.003701
  287. lebanesepound           $0.2886
  288. malaysianringgit        $0.4715
  289. mexicanpeso             $0.0434
  290. dutchguilder            $0.5100
  291. newzealanddollar        $0.9815
  292. norwegiankrone          $0.2049
  293. pakistanirupee          $0.1016
  294. peruviansol             $0.0037
  295. philippinepeso          $0.1360
  296. portugeseescudo         $0.0199
  297. arabianriyal            $0.3012
  298. singaporedollar         $0.4766
  299. southafricanrand        $1.3322
  300. southkoreanwon          $0.00167
  301. spanishpeseta           $0.01352
  302. swedishkrona            $0.2403
  303. swissfranc              $0.6119
  304. taiwandollar            $0.6767
  305. thaibaht                $0.05
  306. uruguayannewpeso        $0.1147
  307. venezuelanbolivar       $0.2358
  308. westgermanmark          $0.5545
  309. schilling               austrianschilling
  310. cruzeiro                braziliancruzeiro
  311. yuan                    chineseyuan
  312. krone                   danishkrone
  313. sucre                   ecuadoriansucre
  314. markka                  finnmarkka
  315. drachma                 greekdrachma
  316. rupee                   indianrupee
  317. rupiah                  indonesianrupiah
  318. shekel                  israelishekel
  319. lira                    italianlira
  320. yen                     japaneseyen
  321. ringgit                 malaysianringgit
  322. peso                    mexicanpeso
  323. guilder                 dutchguilder
  324. sol                     peruviansol
  325. escudo                  portugeseescudo
  326. riyal                   arabianriyal
  327. rand                    southafricanrand
  328. won                     southkoreanwon
  329. peseta                  spanishpeseta
  330. krona                   swedishkrona
  331. franc                   frenchfranc
  332. fr                      franc
  333. sfr                     swissfranc
  334. baht                    thaibaht
  335. mark                    westgermanmark
  337. # D&D money
  338. silverpiece             10 copperpieces
  339. goldpiece               20 silverpieces
  340. electrumpiece           2 goldpieces
  341. platinumpiece           5 goldpieces
  342. gp                      goldpiece
  343. sp                      silverpiece
  344. cp                      copperpiece
  345. ep                      electrumpiece
  346. pp                      platinumpiece
  348. # miscellaneous
  349. angstrom                1e-10 m
  350. au                      1.49504e8 km
  351. bag                     3 bushels
  352. barleycorn              1/3 inch
  353. barrel                  31.5 gal
  354. bbl                     barrel
  355. drybarrel               105 dryquarts
  356. brbarrel                36 brgal
  357. bolt                    120 ft
  358. bucket                  4 brgallon
  359. butt                    126 brgallon
  360. cablelength             720 ft
  361. carat                   .2 gram
  362. ct                      carat
  363. cental                  100 lb
  364. chaldron                36 bushels
  365. brchaldron              32 brbushels
  366. circle                  2 pi radians
  367. circularinch            pi/4 inch+2
  368. circularmil             pi/4 mil+2
  369. circularmillimeter      pi/4 mm+2
  370. circularmm              circularmillimeter
  371. clove                   8 lb
  372. customarystone          clove
  373. coomb                   4 brbushels
  374. cordfoot                1/8 cord
  375. cordfeet                cordfoot
  376. cdft                    cordfoot
  377. dalton                  1.650e-24 gram
  378. amu                     1.660531e-24 gram
  379. siderialday             approx 8.6164e4 sec
  380. drachm                  60 minims
  381. ell                     45 inches
  382. em                      pica
  383. furlong                 40 rods
  384. knot                    nauticalmile/hr
  385. nail                    2.25 in
  386. noggin                  1/32 brgallon
  387. pace                    30 in
  388. palm                    3 in
  389. parsec                  3.08374e13 km
  390. masonryperch            24.75 ft+3
  391. puncheon                84 gallon
  392. quadrant                90 deg
  393. longquarter             1/4 longton
  394. quartercapacity         8 brbushels
  395. linearquarter           1/4 yard
  396. quartermass             1/4 longhundredweight
  397. dryquartern             1/2 brgallon
  398. liquidquartern          1/32 brgallon
  399. quintal                 100 kg
  400. quire                   25 sheets
  401. ream                    20 quires
  402. registerton             100 ft+3
  403. revolution              360 degrees
  404. rodvolume               1000 ft+3
  405. rope                    20 ft
  406. sack                    3 brbushels
  407. seam                    8 brbushels
  408. sign                    30 degrees
  409. skein                   360 ft
  410. slug                    32.174 lbs
  411. geepound                slug
  412. strike                  2 bushels
  413. tonne                   1000 kg
  414. metricton               tonne
  415. millier                 tonne
  416. township                36 mi+2
  417. week                    7 days
  418. fortnight               2 weeks
  419. wey                     40 bushels
  420. weymass                 252 pounds
  421. rpm                     revolution/minute
  422. light                   2.9979250e8 m/sec
  423. c                       light
  424. lightyear               light year
  425. gravity                 9.80665 m/sec+2
  426. gee                     gravity
  427. weight                  gravity
  428. force                   gravity
  429. demal                   g/decimeter+3
  430. water                   1 g/cc force
  431. mercury                 13.5951 g/cc force
  432. pascal                  kg/m+2
  433. psi                     lb/sq in
  434. hg                      mercury
  435. torr                    mm hg
  436. karat                   1/24
  437. minersinch              1.2 ft+3/min
  438. dyne                    g cm/sec+2
  439. newton                  1e5 dynes
  440. nt                      newton
  441. poundal                 ft lb/sec+2
  442. atmosphere              760 mm hg
  443. bar                     1e6 dyne/cm+2
  444. barye                   dyne/cm+2
  445. joule                   watt sec
  446. erg                     1e-7 joule
  447. britishthermalunit      1054.8 joules
  448. btu                     britishthermalunit
  449. centigradethermalunit   1898.3 joules
  450. ctu                     centigradethermalunit
  451. chevalvapeurheure       2.6478e6 joules
  452. calorie                 4.186 joules
  453. cal                     calorie
  454. kcal                    kilocal
  455. megalerg                1e6 erg
  456. chevalvapeur            736 watts
  457. forcedecheval           chevalvapeur
  458. horsepower              .74570 kilowatts
  459. poise                   gram/cm/sec
  460. stoke                   poise cc/gram
  461. rhe                     1/poise
  462. proof                   1/200
  463. h                       6.626196e-34 joule sec  # Planck's constant
  464. mole                    6.022169e23             # Avogadro's number
  465. faraday                 mole e
  466. xunit                   1.0020764 angstrom
  467. barn                    1e-24 cm+2
  468. shed                    .01 barn
  469. league                  3 mi
  470. last                    640 brgallon
  471. ev                      electron volt
  472. kilderkin               18 brgallons
  473. reyn                    6.89476e6 centipoise
  474. solarmass               1.991e30 kg
  475. earthmass               5.979e24 kg
  476. lunarmass               7.3544e22 kg
  477. earthradius             6371.315 km
  478. electronmass            9.109558e-28 g
  479. protonmass              1.672614e-24 g
  480. neutronmass             1.674920e-24 g
  481. alpha                   1/137.03602             # fine structure constant
  482. R                       8.31434 joules/kelvin   # gas law constant
  483. G                       6.6732e-11 nt m+2 kg-2  # gravitational constant
  484. rhydbergconstant        1.09737312e7 m-1
  485. bohrradius              5.2917715e-11 m
  486. electronradius          alpha+2 bohrradius
  487. bolzmansconstant        1.380622e-23 joules/kelvin
  488. stephanbolzmansconstant 5.66961e-8 watt kelvin+4/m+2
  489. choppin                 1/2 pint
  490. # Principle foreign weights and measures,
  491. # from 11th ed. Encyclopaedia Britannica
  492. almude                  16.8 litre              # Portugal
  493. anoman                  5.60 brbushel           # Ceylon
  494. ammomam                 anoman
  495. amomam                  anoman
  496. khat                    1 cm                    # Turkey
  497. parmak                  10 khat
  498. archin                  10 parmak
  499. mill                    1000 archin
  500. pharoagh                10 mills
  501. ardeb                   5.447 brbushel          # Egypt
  502. arpent                  100 sq perch            # France
  503. arroba                  14.68 kg                # Portugal
  504. artaba                  1.809 brbushel          # Persia
  505. aune                    4 ft                    # Jersey
  506. barilo                  12.834 brgallon         # Rome
  507. bat                     234 grains              # Siam
  508. tical                   bat
  509. behar                   439.45 lb               # Arabia
  510. berri                   1.084 mi                # Turkey
  511. boisseau                15 litre                # Belgium
  512. boutylka                1.353 brpint            # Russia
  513. braca                   2.22 m                  # Portugal
  514. braccio                 .670 m                  # Spain
  515. bracciodara             29.528 in               # Rome
  516. brasse                  5.328 ft                # France
  517. braza                   5.682 ft                # Argentina
  518. bu                      3.0306 sq m             # Japan
  519. tsubo                   bu
  520. bunder                  2.471 acres             # Netherlands
  521. cabot                   139 brgills             # Jersey
  522. pot                     1/10 cabot
  523. candy                   560 lb                  # Bombay
  524. cantar                  124.7 lb                # Turkey
  525. cantarapiccolo          74.771 lb               # Italy
  526. capicha                 .58 brgallon            # Persia
  527. cawnie                  1.322 acre              # Madras
  528. centner                 50 kilogram             # Austria, Denmark, Switzerland
  529. ch'ih                   1.175 ft                # China
  530. pu                      5 ch'ih
  531. chang                   10 ch'ih
  532. chapah                  9/5 lb                  # N. Borneo
  533. chek                    117/8 in                # Hong Kong
  534. chenica                 .289 brgallon           # Persia
  535. ch'ien                  58.5 grains             # China
  536. ching                   121 sq ft               # China
  537. ch'ing                  72600 sq ft             # China
  538. tola                    180 grains              # Bengal
  539. chittack                5 tola
  540. ch'ok                   7.75 in                 # Korea
  541. chuo                    1815 sq ft              # China
  542. chupah                  1.66 brpint             # Singapore
  543. chupak                  1 brquart               # Straits Settlements
  544. collothun               1.809 brgallon          # Persia
  545. coss                    1.136 meter             # Bengal
  546. covado                  .66 meter               # Portugal
  547. covid                   18 in                   # Madras, Bombay, Siam
  548. covido                  approx 18 in            # Arabia
  549. greatcovido             27 in
  550. cuartillo               .504 liter              # Spain
  551. drycuartillo            1.16 liter              # Spain
  552. daktylon                1 cm                    # Greece
  553. daribah                 43.58 brbushel          # Egypt
  554. deciatina               2.7 acres               # Russia
  555. sagene                  1/2400 deciatina
  556. denaro                  18.17 grains            # Rome
  557. deunam                  are                     # Turkey
  558. diraa                   27 in                   # Egypt
  559. draa                    diraa
  560. pic                     diraa
  561. dirhem                  1.761 dram              # Egypt
  562. djerib                  hectare                 # Turkey
  563. dolia                   .686 grain              # Russia
  564. dola                    dolia
  565. zolotnick               96 dolia
  566. drachme                 1 gram                  # Greece
  567. ducat                   53.873 grains           # Vienna
  568. duim                    1 cm                    # Netherlands
  569. eimer                   12.448 brgallons        # Austria
  570. el                      1 meter                 # Netherlands
  571. ella                    1 yard                  # N. Borneo
  572. endaseh                 approx 25 in            # Egypt
  573. hindazi                 endaseh
  574. faltche                 1.4322 hectare          # Moldavia
  575. fanega                  3.773 brbushel          # Argentina
  576. farn                    11.43 cm
  577. cognel                  4 farns
  578. fass                    1 hectolitre            # Germany
  579. feddan                  1.028 acre              # Egypt
  580. fen                     5.83 grains             # China
  581. fjerdingkar             .9564 brbushel          # Denmark
  582. fod                     1.0297 foot             # Denmark
  583. foglietto               .8 brpint               # Rome
  584. fot                     11.689 in               # Sweden
  585. stong                   10 fot
  586. ref                     10 stong
  587. founte                  .90282 lb               # Russia
  588. funt                    founte
  589. livre                   founte
  590. foute                   1 ft                    # Russia
  591. frasco                  21/8 litre              # Argentina
  592. fuss                    1.037 ft                # Vienna
  593. gantang                 32 brgallon             # Straits Settlements
  594. garnetz                 .3607 brpeck            # Russia
  595. go                      180.39 cc               # Japan
  596. grano                   .757 grain              # Rome
  597. grao                    .768 grain              # Portugal
  598. grein                   .065 gram               # Netherlands
  599. hat'h                   18 in                   # Bengal, Bombay
  600. moolum                  hat'h
  601. hiyakame                5797.198 grains         # Japan
  602. hiyakkin                132.5 lb                # Japan
  603. hu                      approx 12.5 brgallons   # China
  604. immi                    1.5 litre               # Switzerland
  605. joch                    1.422 acre              # Austria-Hungary
  606. kaima                   .576 brgallon           # Sweden
  607. kanne                   1/4 kaima
  608. kanna                   kanne
  609. kan                     4/3 lb                  # Hong Kong
  610. rotl                    .990492 lb              # Egypt
  611. kantar                  100 rotl
  612. cantaro                 kantar
  613. batman                  6.5 lb                  # Persia
  614. karwar                  100 batman
  615. kassabah                3.8824 yards            # Egypt
  616. kati                    4/3 lb                  # China, Straits Settlements
  617. gin                     kati
  618. ken                     5.965 ft                # Japan
  619. kerat                   9/8 in                  # Turkey
  620. kette                   10.936 yd               # Germany
  621. ellen                   1/14.994 kette          # Germany
  622. keu                     40 in                   # Siam
  623. kile                    8 brgal                 # Cyprus
  624. killow                  .97 brbushel            # Turkey
  625. kin                     .601 kg                 # Japan, China
  626. klafter                 2.0740 yd               # Austria
  627. koddi                   1.67 brgal              # Arabia
  628. koilon                  1 hectolitre            # Greece
  629. koku                    4.9629 brbushel         # Japan
  630. gall                    1/39.7033 koku          # Japan
  631. to                      3.9703 galls            # Japan
  632. kon                     4/3 lb                  # Corea
  633. korntonde               138.97 litres           # Norway
  634. korntopmaal             160 litres              # Norway
  635. korrel                  1 decigram              # Netherlands
  636. kotyle                  1 decilitre             # Greece
  637. kouza                   9 brquart               # Cyprus
  638. koyan                   16000/3 lb              # Straits Settlements
  639. krina                   12.8 litres             # Bulgaria
  640. kung                    78.96 in                # China
  641. kup                     10 in                   # Siam
  642. momme                   .008281 lb              # Japan
  643. kwan                    1000 momme              # Japan
  644. kuwan                   kwan
  645. kyat                    .03652 lb               # Burma
  646. lak't                   .650 metre              # Bulgaria
  647. leang                   1750/3 grain            # China
  648. lckha                   229.83 sq m             # Bulgaria
  649. li                      360 pu                  # China
  650. liang                   4/3 oz                  # China
  651. chin                    16 liang                # China
  652. catty                   chin
  653. libbra                  .7477 lb                # Italy
  654. libra                   1.0127 lb               # Argentina
  655. arratel                 1.012 lb                # Portugal
  656. liniia                  .1 inch                 # Russia
  657. archine                 280 liniias             # Russia
  658. mystra                  1/100 litre             # Greece
  659. litra                   100 mystra              # Greece
  660. litro                   1 litre                 # Spain, Italy
  661. apothecarieslivre       11.5204 troyounces      # Russia
  662. livrepoids              .4895 kg                # France
  663. maass                   1.245 brquart           # Austria
  664. maatze                  1 decilitre             # Netherlands
  665. mace                    175/3 grains            # China
  666. mahud                   2.04 lb                 # Arabia
  667. maik                    13/2 inches             # Burmah
  668. cubit                   3 maik                  # Burmah
  669. marc                    .2448 kg                # France
  670. onca                    229.5/8 gram            # Portugal
  671. marco                   8 onca                  # Portugal
  672. metro                   metre                   # Spain, Italy
  673. metz                    1.691 brbushel          # Austria
  674. miglio                  .925 mile               # Rome
  675. mijle                   kilometer               # Netherlands
  676. milha                   1.296 mile              # Portugal
  677. mille                   1.949 kilometre         # France
  678. miscal                  71 grains               # Persia
  679. mkono                   45.72 centimetres       # East Africa
  680. mna                     3/2 kg                  # Greece
  681. oka                     1/1.72 mna              # Greece
  682. morgen                  .631 acre               # Denmark, Norway, Prussia
  683. mou                     806.65 sq yd            # China
  684. mud                     1 hectolitre            # Netherlands
  685. nin                     10/12 in                # Siam
  686. obolos                  1 decigram              # Greece
  687. ock                     1 kg                    # Turkey
  688. octavillo               .29 litre               # Spain
  689. oitavo                  1.730 litre             # Portugal
  690. oke                     1.28 litre              # Bulgaria
  691. once                    30.59 gram              # France
  692. oncia                   436.165 grain           # Rome
  693. onze                    1 hectogramme           # Netherlands
  694. onzen                   onze                    # Netherlands
  695. pond                    10 onzen                # Netherlands
  696. packen                  1083.382 lb             # Russia
  697. palamo                  1 decimetre             # Greece
  698. palmo                   .22 metre               # Portugal
  699. para                    90 lb                   # N. Borneo
  700. parah                   5.59 brpints            # Ceylon
  701. po                      1/3 meter               # Portugal
  702. pecheuse                1/1.543 m               # Greece
  703. pecul                   400/3 lb                # China
  704. guz                     3.88/6000 mi            # Persia
  705. persakh                 6000 guz                # Persia
  706. parasang                persakh                 # Persia
  707. loth                    .615 oz                 # Germany
  708. unze                    2 loth                  # Germany
  709. unzen                   unze                    # Germany
  710. pfund                   16 unzen                # Germany
  711. picki                   .648 m                  # Greece
  712. pie                     11.73 in                # Rome
  713. piedeburgos             11.13 in                # Spain
  714. pounce                  1.181 in                # Belgium
  715. piedderoi               .3248 m                 # France
  716. perche                  22 sq piedderoi         # France
  717. pipe                    126 brgallon            # Gilbraltar
  718. poidedemare             .2448 kilogram          # France
  719. polegada                27.77 mm                # Portugal
  720. apothecariespond        375 gram                # Netherlands
  721. paegle                  .425 brpint             # Denmark
  722. poud                    36 lb                   # Russia
  723. pood                    poud                    # Russia
  724. puddee                  2.89 brpint             # Madras
  725. pulgada                 .927 in                 # Spain
  726. pund                    500 gram                # Denmark
  727. quarto                  2.024 brbushel          # Rome
  728. quintale                quintal                 # Italy
  729. ratel                   1.014 lb                # Persia
  730. rattel                  17.219 lb               # Arabia
  731. rottle                  rattel                  # Arabia
  732. ri                      2.440 mi                # Japan
  733. rode                    3.762 m                 # Denmark
  734. roede                   1 dekametre             # Netherlands
  735. rottolo                 rotl                    # Egypt
  736. rottol                  2.513 brpint            # Turkey
  737. rubbio                  1.012 brquarter         # Spain
  738. scheffel                50 litres               # Germany
  739. schepel                 1 dekalitre             # Netherlands
  740. schoppen                1/2 litre               # Germany
  741. se                      118.615 sq yd           # Japan
  742. seer                    72/35 lb                # India
  743. passerce                5 seer                  # Bengal
  744. maund                   40 seer                 # India
  745. seidel                  .6224 brpint            # Austria
  746. sen                     44.4 mi                 # Siam
  747. ser                     1 litre                 # India
  748. shaku                   .3 metre                # Japan
  749. sheng                   1.813 brpint            # China
  750. shih                    160 lb                  # China
  751. shoo                    1.804 litre             # Japan
  752. skaalpund               435.076 grams           # Sweden
  753. skeppe                  17.39 litre             # Denmark
  754. skjeppe                 17.37 litre             # Norway
  755. stab                    1 metre                 # Germany
  756. stadron                 1 km                    # Greece
  757. stero                   stere                   # Italy
  758. streepe                 1 mm                    # Holland
  759. stremma                 1 are                   # Greece
  760. strich                  1 mm                    # Germany
  761. striche                 .3 mm                   # Switzerland
  762. stunde                  4.8 km                  # Switzerland
  763. stunden                 stunde                  # Switzerland
  764. stunder                 5 stunden               # Switzerland
  765. zer                     73/2 in                 # Persia
  766. zoll                    .3 decimetre            # Switzerland
  767. sultchek                parmak+3                # Turkey
  768. sung                    4 lb                    # Corea
  769. tael                    10 momme                # Japan
  770. hoon                    4/300 oz                # Straits Settlements
  771. chee                    10 hoon                 # Straits Settlements
  772. tahil                   10 chee                 # Straits Settlements
  773. tam                     400/3 lb                # Hong Kong
  774. tan                     25 brgal                # China
  775. tang                    2 mi                    # Burma
  776. tangsun                 10 li                   # China
  777. tank                    1225/72 grains          # Bombay
  778. pice                    72/30 tanks             # Bombay
  779. tcharka                 .866 brgill             # Russia
  780. tchetverik              .7215 brbushels         # Russia
  781. tcheverte               8 tchetveriks           # Russia
  782. teng                    2218.2 cu in            # Burma
  783. thanan                  1.5 brpint              # Siam
  784. thangsat                4.688 brgallon          # Siam
  785. tonde                   131.392 litres          # Denmark
  786. drytonde                139.121 litres          # Denmark
  787. tonnelada               793.15 kg               # Portugal
  788. tonos                   29.526 cwt              # Greece
  789. tou                     approx 18 brpint        # China
  790. tovar                   128.2 kg                # Bulgaria
  791. t'sun                   1.41 inch               # China
  792. tu                      100.142 mi              # China
  793. vara                    33 in                   # Spain
  794. vat                     1 hectolitre            # Holland
  795. schtoff                 .27056 litres           # Russia
  796. vedro                   10 schtoff              # Russia
  797. verchok                 1.75 in                 # Russia
  798. verst                   .66288 mi               # Russia
  799. versta                  verst                   # Russia
  800. vierkanteroede          are                     # Holland
  801. viertel                 1.7 brgallon            # Denmark
  802. viss                    511/140 lb              # Rangoon
  803. wa                      80 in                   # Siam
  804. wigtje                  1 gram                  # Netherlands
  805. wisse                   stere                   # Netherlands
  806. mexicoyard              838 cm                  # Mexico
  807. zac                     hectolitre              # Netherlands
  808. doli                    65.8306/96 grains       # Russia
  809. zolotnik                96 doli                 # Russia